九力绳缆 九力绳缆

大厂制造 精品呈现



TIPTO EIGHT 缆绳是由高性能九力纤维和涤纶混合制作而成的一种高强度缆绳,这种完美的结合和构造,使它具有较低的伸长率,在使用时,能够保持更好的稳定性和安全性。另外,它还具有很好的耐磨性能,使用更为广泛。他们都由八股锭盘,每两对交错编织而成。      
TIPTO EIGHT    rope retains superior breaking strength originated from technically reinforced composition of high tenacity JL-yarn and polyester. This ideal composition and construction creates extremely low elongation which offers stability and safety when the rope is overloaded and makes the rope sustaining its properties even after a long period using in sea water. This rope has excellent resistance to abrasion and will become more flexible and easier to handle with extensive use. They are produced by a plaiting machine containing eight reels, each containing one strand, groups of two reels interweave as a pair around the other pairs of reels to produce an eight strands rope of a similar square cross section.


主要性能  >>  Main performance

材料:高性能九力纤维和涤纶混合Material: High tenacity JL-yarn  High tenacity polyester
结构:八股编织Construction: 8 strand plaited
应用:海洋、渔业Treatment: Marine fishing, Offshore
颜色:橙色带绿色标记Colour of Rope: orange with green marker yarns
比重:0.94  浮于水Approx. Spec. Density 0.94 floating
熔点:165℃ / 260℃Melting Point: 165℃ / 260℃
耐磨性:很好Abrasion Resistance: Very good
U.V.resistance: Good
使用环境:最大70℃Temperature resistance: 70℃ max
耐化学腐蚀性:好  对溶剂和强氧化剂有轻微反应Chemical resistance: Good, solvents and strong  oxidizer may have a mild effect
干湿性能:湿强度=干强度Dry & wet conditions: Wet strength equals dry strength
使用范围:渔业、海洋工程、系泊Range of use: Fishing, inland shipping, merchant, navy, industry, mooring
每卷长度:220mCoil length: 220m
结强力损失: -10%Spliced strength:  -10%
重量和长度误差: 5%Weight and length tolerance: ±5%
最小破断力:根据ISO2307标准说明MBL= Minimum Breaking Load conform ISO 2307
如果需要其他尺寸,可以根据客户要求定制Other sizes available upon request

技术对比  >>  Technology Comparison


参数表  >>  Parameter Table



上一产品:JL-FLEX 缆绳

下一产品:KARAT MAXI 缆绳